Friday 2 May 2014

Double page spread research

All the pictures below are very good examples of double page spreads. They  all follow most of the page furniture and layout plans for the page to be classed as a double page spread. As you can see, some are more professional than others and some are quite amateur like but still look good. The pink one in the top left is done by a fellow media student and could do with some work but still follows the basic features of a double page spread. The one with the big "L" is done by a professional magazine company and as you can see, it looks a lot more professional than any of the others, most of this is down to the very good picture quality.

Double page spread page furniture

Used iThoughts Hd app on iPad

Wednesday 30 April 2014

Evaluation Question 7

LOoking at my preliminary task, what do I feel I have learnt?

Evaluation Question 6

what have I learnt about technologies in process of constructing my product?

Evaluation Question 5

How did you attratct/address your target audience?

Evaluation Question 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?
I recorded Lucy Kelleher. Lucy speaks about how and why she enjoys reading my magazine compared to other magazines. Lucy talks about how the magazine is perfect for someone of her age, gender and socio economic group.
Many  of the people that would buy my magazine would be at this age and live in the C1/C2 region of England. This is because these people are my target audience so my magazine would suit them very well.
Lucy's clothes vary between jeans and tracksuit bottoms, trainers and boots, hoody and Cardigans and caps or beanies. These are the sort of clothes people in my target market wear, this is why i have got my models to wear hoody's and hats. e.g. in Justin picture he has a black hoody on and a black beanie hat. people of my target market see this and can relate to the models with what they wear. harry and Josh also have there hoods up in there picture.
The magazine will be available at all corner shops as it is easy for people of my target market to access. if it were to be somewhere else people of my target market would find it hard to get to it as most of them don't drive cars.